Report on Sustainability


Art Direction

Editorial Design

For its third Report on Sustainability, the iconic olive oil company Farchioni chose Studiogusto to create a special support and rendition for its stakeholders. 

Matching the required parameters, while spreading significant and complex datas and translating them into an easy, smooth and catchy visual language to keep the attention peaking: the making of a Report On Sustainability for a company like Farchioni is a work that needs a fresh approach as well as a strongly cohesive data management. 

Showcasing an evolution that took place over 244 years

The biggest focus of the Report On Sustainability is a timeline mixing emotional milestones of the growth of a family business with the most important achievement of a company that became one of the markets leaders, known and appreciated on every Italian table and abroad.

The steps into a more sustainable approach are kept clear and highlighted for the stakeholders to have all the info they deserve on the efficiency of the Farchioni Group and all its production chain.

With a tool like this, a big company is able to attract investors and new stakeholders as well as satisfying the need for exact datas on sustainability of institutions, organizations, and press.

Farchioni Report On Sustainability 2022 demonstrates the attention and willing of transparency of a company that has grown both as a farm and as a processor of products, following a path that has never lost sight of quality. 

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