Finishing Trends



Studiogusto translated Litover’s printing technology and high quality into a digital experience.

The project Finishing Trends collects in a fresh, colorful and smoothly animated website a digitalized version of the most iconic finishings created by the printing masters at Litover.

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 The AI make-up of printing

Not only the look, but the feeling: the work focused on finding the best techniques to translate into the digital language something physical as a printing finishing.

It required an accurate study of colors, animations, web optimization and the use of AI to produce images that could achieve the goal of making the user experience the actual power of the effect.

Technology to shorten the distance. With a catchy catalogue-like samples design where to dig dip into every finishing and its detailed characteristics, this tool will allow Litover to express the maximum potential of its works not only in person, but digitally.

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