Heineken Beer Matchmaking


Art Direction


LePub (formerly Publicis Italia) has launched Beer-Matchmaking for Heineken, a phygital initiative dedicated to the audience of international gamers. Studiogusto developed the web application as a technological partner.

Gaming and beer: isn't it a match made in heaven? The project developed for Heineken involved the matchmaking of two or more gamers who, by purchasing a Heineken Beer from a special display in one of the sales points active with this initiative, chose to challenge each other or cooperate in a specific game on a specific platform (PS5, XBOX, PC, ...) by agreeing on the day and time.

We took care of the UI/UX Design and Development activities, collaborating with LePub for the Art Direction and the structure of the application. Heineken Beer MM is part of a larger project by the Brand and initially started in Brazil. Cheers to its next steps! 

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